In 1928, The Chinese government moved the capital of China from Beijing to Nanking. The population of Nanking went from having about 250,000 people to having about 1 million. some of the population was Japanese soldiers that fled from the Japanese army on raids in China. On November 11th, 1937 they planned their attack on Nanking and by December they were already on the outskirts of the city. They launched their attack on the city on December 9th and it went on until the 12th when the defending Chinese troops retreated. over the next 6 months, the Japanese pretty much just took over the city and created mass execution. There is an estimated 300,000 Chinese people that died and 20,000 Chinese women were raped. Thousands of the Chinese people were beheaded, burned, buried alive, bayoneted, or disemboweled. The Japanese people still refuse to apologize and a lot of them say that it didn't even happen at all.

This is a picture of actual heads of people who were beheaded

This is a picture of a Japanese soldier stabbing a Chinese man

This picture is a horrible sight and may not be suitable for young children. The Japanese were very brutal and showed no mercy.

People trying to hide getting bayonetted

This man was tied to a pole and is going to be killed

All pictures and information were used from

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